Houma Portint base is located on the west side of Acacia Street in Houma city of Shanxi provice, Hub contain 7 private railways, operating capacity of 1,800,000tons/yr.
Portint Logistics Group has total investment project and branch in Tangshan, Caofeidian Reclamation project contains 2 private railways, the annual handling stripping volume of soil and rock 60 million tons.
Portint Wuhu modern logistics industrial park, location in Wuhu City Sanshan Industrial Development Zone, near by the Yangtze River port, the conjunction of the multiple highway, the Yangtze River Bridge located, brand new built privet railway , is committed to build a Multi-model Transport logistics hub.
Portint Fuzhou railway logistics hub by dint of Xiangpu railway, build for Mid-eastern part of Jiangxi Province (including the northern neighboring provinces) create a whole new logistics channel connect to the ports of Fujian, build logistics node platform directly connect to the Economic Zone on the west side of the Straits(Haixi EDA).
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